Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sjogrens and Other Autoimmune Disease

There are many many Autoimmune Disease of the body..if a body has a part..then there is likely an Autoimmune Disease named after a self attack on that part.

Sjogrens is another disease..another Autoimmune Disease.

You can learn more about it here


Monday, September 14, 2009

Autoimmune Diseases are insidious.
A perfectly healthy body suddenly starts to damage itself for no apparent reason.
The process does not stop...it continues until the hapless self organ it picks on is destroyed.
Any and all organs are up for Autoimmunity.

The body sees itself as the enemy.


Isaac's Syndrome - What is it !

Isaac's Syndrome is a disease affecting the Nervous System.
Usually acquired after the body starts to attack itsef...Autoimmunity.

Supposedly rare...stats for Sweden indicate just 20 people have Isaac's Syndrome...out of a population of 10 million.

The Prognosis one reads in the text books..is...'uncertain'.

Symptoms include uncontrolled continuous muscle twitching, cramps, stiffness, possible night sweats.
